
Download Bungie Marathon Trilogy, a science fiction game series free

Download Bungie Marathon Trilogy, a science fiction game series free

The Marathon Trilogy is a science fiction series of first-person shooter computer games from Bungie. The three games in the series: Marathon (1994), Marathon 2: Durandal (1995), and Marathon Infinity (1996), are widely regarded as spiritual predecessors of Bungie's Halo series.

Bungie the makers of the very popular game Halo, was acquired by Microsoft in 2000. Just before its acquisition, Bungie released the source code to the Marathon 2 engine.

The Marathon Open Source project then began, resulting in the new Marathon engine called Aleph One.

Marathon Trilogy Game Free Download

On December 1, 2011, after 12 years of development, the Aleph One team has released version 1.0. All three Marathon games can now be downloaded for free for the Windows, Macintosh and Linux platforms. The original Marathon games have been upgraded to take advantage of the new engine features.

All three games can be now downloaded for free from Sourceforge.

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