Batch Files
How to run Batch file as Administrator without prompt in Windows 10
You can execute a number of tasks on your Windows computer by running commands. These commands work great. Some people also try to execute a number of...
How to schedule a Batch File to run automatically in Windows 10
There are occasions where you might need to schedule to run a batch file automatically in your Windows. In this article, I'll share a tip on how to sc...
What are Batch files in Windows? Fun and cool Batch files tricks
Batch files in Windows are the script files. A batch file is an unformatted text file. This file consists of a series of commands and has a .bat or .c...
Batch File to Release TCP/IP, Flush DNS, Reset Winsock, Reset Proxy
Every now and then, many PC users may find that their Network connections fail for seemingly no reason. And, while rebooting your Windows 10 PC works ...
Kaikkien tunnistetietojen tyhjentäminen Credential Managerista Windows 10 ssä
Toisinaan haluat ehkä tyhjentää kaikki Credentials Manageriin tallennetut tunnistetiedot. esimerkiksi kun sinulla on ongelmia salasanasi käytössä Wind...
Kuinka käynnistää useita ohjelmia yhdellä pikakuvakkeella Windows 10 ssä
Haluat oppia yksinkertaisen vinkin, joka säästää 2 sekuntia ajastasi? Näytän, kuinka voit käynnistää useita ohjelmia yhdestä pikakuvakkeesta. Jotkut s...
WMI Commands on Windows 10
It's always cool to work with a command prompt, batch file, etc. I still love to do a lot of work with command prompts and automate things with batch ...