Toimistojen tuottavuusohjelmisto

Asenna ONLYOFFICE Docs for Online Document Editing?
ONLYOFFICE Docs on itse isännöity toimistopaketti, jota jaetaan AGPLv3-lisenssin mukaisesti. Se mahdollistaa tekstidokumenttien, laskentataulukoiden j...
Kuinka asentaa Microsoft OneNote Linuxiin
OneNote on Microsoftin suunnittelema Windows-pohjainen työkalu, joka tarjoaa käyttäjälle erilaisia ​​ominaisuuksia ja tehokasta toimintaa. Siinä on ve...
Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors, an alternative office suite for Linux
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is a free office suite distributed under AGPLv3 license. It contains three editors - for text documents, spreadsheets, and ...
List of Best Linux Office Suites
Despite all the features, the freedom and the flexibility that Linux may offer you, it is not perfect. New Linux users face a lot of issues when they ...
Top 5 Best MS Office Alternatives for Linux in 2020
Like it or not, Microsoft Office is the de facto standard in most work environments, educational institutions, and government offices. As such, all MS...
Kuinka asentaa FreeOffice 2018 Debian 10 Busteriin
Asenna FreeOffice 2018 Debian 10 Busteriin ensin .deb-paketti virallisilta verkkosivuilta osoitteesta https: // www.vapaa / fi / lataa / s...
7 LibreOffice Writer hacks
7 LibreOffice Writer Hacks to Improve Your Productivity As we have discussed in our earlier article OpenOffice vs LibreOffice, OpenOffice and LibreOff...
Microsoft Office Alternatives for Linux Platform List 2021
The office suite, also known as the productivity suite, is a collection of programs that helpsimprove productivity. It is modeled to be used for daily...
How to install LibreOffice 5.3.3 Office Suite on Ubuntu & Linux Mint
LibreOffice 5.3.3 recently released, is the latest fresh version of LibreOffice 5.3 series which was released in early February. It comes with new fea...