Stop Errors

Fix dxgmms2.sys BSOD error on Windows computer

Fix dxgmms2.sys BSOD error on Windows computer

The dxgmms2.sys file is a Windows system driver file that is associated with the Graphics Rendering capabilities of a computer. This file is known to cause a Blue Screen error. But the main reasons include conflicts like RAM or Hard Disk Issues, incompatible firmware, or corrupt drivers. Fixing this issue is straightforward. However, there are various potential workarounds for the same.

There can be the following BSOD Errors that are related to this file:

Fix dxgmms2.sys Blue Screen error

If this error just started to occur and you have a System Restore Point created already, you can use it to revert it to your earlier settings and configuration. If not, you can just create one right after using other fixes and use it in the future if you face any similar error.

We will be undertaking the following fixes to get rid of this error,

  1. Reinstall Graphics Card Drivers.
  2. Run DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  3. Update or re-install DirectX.
  4. Reset BIOS Configuration.
  5. Check Registry settings.
  6. Disable Sleep Functionality.

1] Issues related to Graphics Card Drivers

Now, the best practice for you should be to go to the website of your manufacturers like NVIDIA, AMD or Intel. Go to the section called Drivers. And download the latest definitions from there. After the download has been completed, just install the graphics driver and reboot your computer. Find the latest Graphics Drivers for NVIDIA from here, AMD from here and Intel from here.

There is another way. You may use Display Driver Uninstaller to remove AMD, INTEL, NVIDIA Drivers, and then use NVIDIA Smart Scan, AMD Driver Autodetect or Intel Driver Update Utility to download and install or update the respective drivers.

2] Run DirectX Diagnostic Tool

As mentioned above, this error is related to DirectX Graphics APIs. So, in order to fix the issue, you can try to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

3] Update or re-install DirectX

Another basic fix for the issue is to update or reinstall DirectX. By updating or reinstalling DirectX, you can just replace the corrupt or incompatible components of DirectX from your computer.

4] Reset the BIOS Configuration

You can also try to Reset the BIOS Configuration and check if that fixes your issues.

3] Using the Registry Editor

Type regedit in the Search box and hit Enter. Once Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following key-


Now, right-click on the right-side panel and click on New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

Set the name of this newly created DWORD as TdrDelay.

Double click on the newly created DWORD and set its value as 10. This will set the response time for your GPU to be 10 Seconds, changing it from 2 seconds which is the default.

Exit the Registry Editor and then reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

4] Disabling the Sleep Functionality

Sometimes the Sleep functionality of the display might also cause this BSOD. Sometimes while the graphics card's drivers are being used in the background, the display goes to sleep, and then when it is awakened, it may cause this BSOD. To stop this, you can prevent your computer from getting into Sleep mode.

Let us know if anything here helped you.

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