
How to install MacOS theme and Icons in Manjaro XFCE

How to install MacOS theme and Icons in Manjaro XFCE

When it comes to elegant looking operating systems, unarguably, Apple's Mac OS is one of the top contenders. You can make your Manjaro look like MacOS in a few simple steps.

Manjaro is a beautiful looking Linux distribution based on Arch Linux distribution. It comes in 3 flavors, including the GNOME, KDE, and the lightest XFCE. You can further revamp your Manjaro PC by applying themes. Let's take a look at how to install the McOS Theme in the Manjaro XFCE.

Installing macOS Theme in Manjaro XFCE

One of the best features in the XFCE is the ease with which eye candies can be installed. Here are the steps needed:

Step 1) Download macOS Theme for Manjaro XFCE from the below link. Your downloaded file should look something like McOS-XFCE-Edition-II-1.tar.xz.

Download macOS Theme

Step 2) Extract the content.

Extracting Theme Contents

Step 3) Open the “Home” directory. Click “View” and select “Show Hidden Files.”

Enabling Show Hidden Files

Step 4) Create a new folder and name it as .themes.

Create the folder .themes to store the themes

Step 5) Copy and paste the McOS-XFCE-Edition-II-1 folder into the .themes.

Saving the theme folder

Step 6) Launch the “Appearance” app and select the “McOS-XFCE-Edition-II-1”. You should immediately see the shiny new theme in action!

Appearance App

Step 7) Open the “Window Manager” app and similarly select the new theme.

Window Manager

If needed, you can change the button layout to show the control buttons on the left. Click and drag the buttons in the “Button layout” section.

Installing Mac OS X Icons in Manjaro XFCE

Now that you have the themes and the windows manager updated to the new Mac OS look, all you need are some juicy Mac OS X icons. macOS Sierra package is a community-developed free icons package inspired by Mac OS X. Here is how to install it.

Step 1) Download the Mac OS X icon package from the below link and extract the content.

Download macOS Sierra Icon Theme

Step 2) Create a folder named .icons  in the “Home” directory.

Step 3) Copy and paste the icon folder into the “Home” directory.

Step 4) Open the “Appearance” app and click the “Icons” tab. Select the style “macOS Sierra.”

macOS Sierra Icon Activation

That's it! You should see the shiny new icons activated.

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