
World Browser Usage Map - Watch the evolving landscape!

World Browser Usage Map - Watch the evolving landscape!

Browsers, browser usage and browser supremacy has always been a hotly discussed topic which has interested Windows users. Now StatCounter has released a new 2 minute video that take you from 2008 to 2012 and illustrates the changing map of browser usage world-wide.

In 2008, Internet Explorer dominated the global market. Although IE still leads globally and in countries like the Us and UK - the landscape has shown a change. Chrome has almost caught up with Internet Explorer market share, says StatCounter.

StatCounter has based its data on over 15 billion page views per month - 4 billion from the US; 800 million from the UK, to StatCounter's network of over 3 million websites.

Watch the video and let us know what you think the future holds for each of the browsers.

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