
Kuinka käyttää OneDrivea Linuxissa
Pilvivarastointi on erittäin turvallinen ja tehokas tapa tallentaa tietoja. Kustannustehokkuus ja skaalautuvuus tekevät siitä varsin hyödyllisen. Pilv...
Pilvikustannusten optimointi CAST n avulla.Tekoäly
Yrityksissä kustannusten optimointi on olennainen käytäntö. Kustannusten optimoinnin ensisijaisena tavoitteena on vähentää kuluja ja lisätä kurinalais...
Suosituimmat 7 Amazon S3 Cloud Storage -vaihtoehtoa
Teknologiasektorilla viime vuosina tapahtuneen nopean kehityksen vuoksi käsittelemiemme tietojen määrä on kasvanut valtavasti. Näiden tietojen tehokka...
How to rent Linux Server(s) in the Cloud
Okay, you have your next great idea. Maybe, it's a web app, a website or software as a service. Now, you need to deploy it out in the World so people ...
DigitalOcean Alternatives
Monocultures are a bad idea. Especially, in the cloud oriented era, where companies are growing more and more dependent on their cloud providers. The ...
IBM Docs Features - Comparision with Office 365 and Google Docs
The evolution of Cloud at the back-end has led to many changes over the Internet in the past few years. One of the best examples would be - document e...
Microsoft delivers new features in Office Web Apps
Microsoft Office Web Apps were launched last year which are giving good competition to Google Doc's. The simplicity and ease of use along with the str...
How to Enable Offline Access to Google Drive Documents on your Windows PC
Google Drive v1.9 for Windows brings a new feature to Google Drive - Offline access along with some bug fixes. As you might have guessed, the feature ...
What Drives Google Drive? Features, Privacy Issues At A Glance
The much awaited Google Drive is here, offering you 5GB of cloud space for free. Let us check out the major features of Google Drive in this article. ...