
How much salaries do Microsoft employees get paid?

How much salaries do Microsoft employees get paid?

How much does Microsoft pay to its employees? In addition to money, Microsoft perks include free paid leaves like maternity and paternity leaves, paid time off for new parents, free food, gym, playing spaces and more. There are other perks that differ from location to location. This article on Salaries at Microsoft is based on Glassdoor survey, tells you the average salaries paid at Microsoft, to employees working at different positions. I did not include bonuses etc. perks, and rounded off the figures of Glassdoor to the nearest thousand.

Salaries at Microsoft

Group Program Manager - A Group Program Manager's role is almost the same Project Managers. It differs in a sense that Program manager has to be the voice of both Microsoft and customers while dealing with his/her project. The GPM has to take care of almost everything related to a program/project - including feedback and implementation of constructive feedback. The pay does not vary much across locations. On an average, the Group Program Manager at Microsoft earns $230,000. This figure is average and excludes other perks like bonuses etc.

Partner Scientist - Works to research for different products of Microsoft. A Partner Scientists works towards better products based on his or her research. This is mostly an hourly job as mentioned at Glassdoor. A Partner Scientist at Microsoft earns $120,000 excluding the overtime etc.

Senior Director Engineering - has to handle his/her team of engineers while also handling client relations. I could not find a detailed job description for this. Senior Director Engineering at Microsoft earns approximately between $170,000 and $220,000, based on experience and performance.

Principal Product Manager - As evident by the job title, the principal product manager has to handle his/her team working on a product. He has to listen to client feedback and take actions accordingly. He also has to promote his/her product. In short, the person is responsible for everything related to the product assigned to him/her. The average salary of Principal Product Manager at Microsoft is $210,000

Senior Marketing Director - handles a range of products and people related to the products assigned. A Senior Marketing Director at Microsoft earns approximately $200,000.

General Manager - Has to take care of everything, including profit and loss statements related to the field assigned. A General Manager at Microsoft earns $200,000. Glassdoor provided the lowest figure at $165,000 and highest at $265,000 asked to 29 General Managers. This salary is based on performance, merit and duration of the person working at the position.

Director of Development - From what I could gather about this position, the job responsibilities include procurement of funds, allotment of funds to different parts of assigned projects and other financial aspects. A Director of Development at Microsoft earns around $190,000. This, too, can vary based on project length, performance, and other aspects.

Senior Software Developer - As evident by the title, the job role is development and troubleshooting software. A senior software developer at Microsoft earns around $180,000. This excludes other perks such as bonus, discount coupons, food coupons etc.

Director of Engineering - While I could not find out the main job responsibilities, a similar job advertisement from another company described job description as managing, supporting and providing assistance to different team leaders. I guess the role of Director of Engineering in Microsoft should be same but with additional responsibilities. A Director of Engineering at Microsoft earns approximately $180,000 an average deduced by responses of 8 respondents. Starting salaries for the post could be lower: $150,000.

Software Architect - develops and maintains software for Microsoft. A Software Architect can be called Programmer and earns approx. $125,000. The salary may be higher based on performance and merit as the upper limit shown by Glassdoor is $210,000.

If you want to work at Microsoft, check out our article on how to get a job at Microsoft.

Reference and source: Glassdoor.

Check this post if you are interested in finding out, what the Salaries are at Google.

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