
How to install Insync in Solus

How to install Insync in Solus

Insync is a cross-platform Google Drive client. It provides a simple and effective way to stay connected to Google Drive. The application provides instant access to the data from Google drive and keeps it always synced to and fro.

Though it is paid service, it is still popular among Linux users due to its flawless and straightforward setup. This is a great alternative just in case the Gnome Online Accounts is not good enough for your needs.

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up Insync on Solus PC.

Installing Insync in Solus

STEP 1: Launch 'Terminal.'

STEP 2: Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal, and hit enter. This command fetches the Insync installer from official Solus Github servers. Therefore, you have complete peace of mind!

sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety

STEP 3: Next, use the following command to install the downloaded Insync installer.

sudo eopkg it insync*.eopkg

STEP 4: After the installation is done, check you can find the “Insync” in the programs. If all looks good, you can go ahead and delete the installer file. To to that, enter and following command and hit enter.

sudo rm spideroak*.eopkg

That's it!

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